Ashtalakshmi Stotram-Divine Chants of Mahalakshmi

Ashtalakshmi or ‘Eight Lakshmis’ are the eight special classical forms of Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth. They are the eight sources of wealth and symbolize the various powers of Goddess Lakshmi. Ashtalakshmi or ‘Eight Lakshmis’ are also a group of minor forms of Lakshmi.

The word ‘wealth’ given by Ashtalakshmi means prosperity, fertility, good fortune or good luck, good health, knowledge, strength, progeny and power. Ashtalakshmi or ‘Eight Lakshmis’ are Adilakshmi (Primeval Lakshmi), Dhanyalakshmi (Grain Lakshmi), Veeralakshmi or Dhairyalakshmi (Valour Lakshmi), Gajalakshmi (Elephant Lakshmi), Santanalakshmi( Progeny Lakshmi), Vijayalakshmi or Jayalakshmi (Victory Lakshmi), Dhanalakshmi(Money Lakshmi) and Vidyalakshmi (Knowledge Lakshmi). These forms of goddess Lakshmi are worshipped simultaneously in a temple. According to Sri Ashtalakshmi Stotram, the brief descriptions of Ashtalakshmi or ‘Eight Lakshmis’ and stotrams are presented below.


Adilakshmi (Primeval Lakshmi) is an ancient form of goddess Lakshmi and the incarnation of Mother Lakshmi as the daughter of sage Bhrigu. She is also known as ‘Sagarkanya’. According to Hindu mythological story, Adilakshmi appeared during the churning of the cosmic ocean and accepted Shri Vishnu as her husband. She holds a Padma (lotus), a flag, Abhaya Mudra (the fear dispelling gesture) and Varada Mudra (the favourable Mudra or gesture)in her four hands.

Adilakshmi Stotram:

sumanasa vandita sundari mādhavi, candra sahodari hemamaye
munigaṇa vandita mokśhapradāyani, mañjula bhāśhiṇi vedanute |
paṅkajavāsini deva supūjita, sadguṇa varśhiṇi śāntiyute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, ādilakśhmi paripālaya mām ‖ 

सुमनसवन्दित सुन्दरि माधवि, चन्द्र सहोदरि हेममये
मुनिगणमण्डित मोक्षप्रदायिनि, मञ्जुळभाषिणि वेदनुते ।
पङ्कजवासिनि देवसुपूजित, सद्गुणवर्षिणि शान्तियुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, आदिलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम्।।


Dhanyalakshmi(Grain Lakshmi) is the giver of agricultural wealth. She is worshipped in the farmer’s house. Dhanyalakshmi is the presiding deity of agricultural crops like rice, pulses, paddy, wheat etc. By the grace of this goddess, the field is filled with crops due to the tireless work of the farmer. Farmers pick crops at home and see Lakshmi’s face. Field filled with crops is the symbol of this Lakshmi. Goddess Dhanyalakshmi has eight arms. She holds Padma (lotus), mace, grain, sugarcane, banana, and Abhaya and Varada Mudra in her hands.

Dhanyalakshmi Stotram:

ayikali kalmaśha nāśini kāmini, vaidika rūpiṇi vedamaye
kśhīra samudbhava maṅgaḻa rūpiṇi, mantranivāsini mantranute |
maṅgaḻadāyini ambujavāsini, devagaṇāśrita pādayute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, dhānyalakśhmi paripālaya mām ‖

अहिकलि कल्मषनाशिनि कामिनि, वैदिकरूपिणि वेदमये
क्षीरसमुद्भव मङ्गलरूपिणि, मन्त्रनिवासिनि मन्त्रनुते ।
मङ्गलदायिनि अम्बुजवासिनि, देवगणाश्रित पादयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धान्यलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम्।।

Veeralakshmi or Dhairyalakshmi

Veeralakshmi or Dhairyalakshmi (Valour Lakshmi) gives the devotee heroism on the battlefield and courage in difficult times of life. By the grace of this goddess, frustration, laziness etc. are removed. When there is a struggle between religion and iniquity in the mind of the Niskam devotee, it gives the devotee the strength to destroy the ungodly Ripus(six senses) with courage, vigor and power. Veeralakshmi or Dhairyalakshmi holds Shankha (conch shells), chakras, bows and arrows or sword, palm-leaf book or nectar and Abhaya and Varada Mudra in her hands.

Veeralakshmi or Dhairyalakshmi Stotram:

jayavaravarśhiṇi vaiśhṇavi bhārgavi, mantra svarūpiṇi mantramaye
suragaṇa pūjita śīghra phalaprada, GYāna vikāsini śāstranute |
bhavabhayahāriṇi pāpavimocani, sādhu janāśrita pādayute
jaya jayahe madhu sūdhana kāmini, dhairyalakśhmī paripālaya mām ‖

जयवरवर्णिनि वैष्णवि भार्गवि, मन्त्रस्वरूपिणि मन्त्रमये
सुरगणपूजित शीघ्रफलप्रद, ज्ञानविकासिनि शास्त्रनुते ।
भवभयहारिणि पापविमोचनि, साधुजनाश्रित पादयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धैर्यलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम् ।।


Gajalakshmi (Elephant Lakshmi) is the giver of wealth in the forms of cattle and elephants. In addition, the income from the rearing of these cattle is also considered as the grace of Gajalakshmi. In the ancient period, the development of civilization happened through animal husbandry, plowing, chariot pulling etc. According to Swami Chidananda, Gajaakshmi also gave royal power. According to Hindu mythology, Gajalakshmi gave Devaraja Indra back his lost wealth from the depths of the sea. According to Basudha Narayan, “Gajalakshmi means Lakshmi worshipped by elephants”. This goddess sits holding two lotuses in her two hands, Abhaya and Varada Mudra in the other two hands and keeping two elephants on either side.

Gajalakshmi Stotram:

jaya jaya durgati nāśini kāmini, sarvaphalaprada śāstramaye
radhagaja turagapadāti samāvṛta, parijana maṇḍita lokanute |
harihara brahma supūjita sevita, tāpa nivāriṇi pādayute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, gajalakśhmī rūpeṇa pālaya mām ‖

जयजय दुर्गतिनाशिनि कामिनि, सर्वफलप्रद शास्त्रमये
रथगज तुरगपदादि समावृत, परिजनमण्डित लोकनुते ।
हरिहर ब्रह्म सुपूजित सेवित, तापनिवारिणि पादयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, गजलक्ष्मि रूपेण पालय माम्।।


Santanalakshmi (Progeny Lakshmi) is the goddess who gives birth to offspring. By the grace of this goddess the parents gain the happiness through progeny. Santanalakshmi is the benefactor of the children. This goddess holds a Padma (lotus), a mangalkalas (water pitcher with mango leaves and a coconut on it),shields and swords, Abhaya and Varada Mudra in her hands. The goddess also holds a child in one hands. It is symbolical. It means the goddess takes care of the child with one hand.

Santanalakshmi Stotram:

ayikhaga vāhini mohini cakriṇi, rāgavivardhini GYānamaye
guṇagaṇavāradhi lokahitaiśhiṇi, saptasvara bhūśhita gānanute |
sakala surāsura deva munīśvara, mānava vandita pādayute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, santānalakśhmī paripālaya mām‖

अहिखग वाहिनि मोहिनि चक्रिणि, रागविवर्धिनि ज्ञानमये
गुणगणवारिधि लोकहितैषिणि, स्वरसप्त भूषित गाननुते ।
सकल सुरासुर देवमुनीश्वर, मानववन्दित पादयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, सन्तानलक्ष्मि त्वं पालय माम्।।

Vijayalakshmi or Jayalakshmi

Vijayalakshmi or Jayalakshmi (Victory Lakshmi) is worshipped to get victory at the end of the war. This goddess bestows spiritual bliss on a devotee when he (the devotee) attains good fortune by defeating the Ripus (six senses). Vijayalakshmi is remembered for the victory of a devotee not only in war but in all walks of life. The goddess holds a Shanka (conch), Chakra (wheel), a shield, a sword, a Padma (lotus), a dice and Abhaya and Varada Mudra.

Vijayalakshmi or Jayalakshmi Stotram:

jaya kamalāsini sadgati dāyini, GYānavikāsini gānamaye
anudina marcita kuṅkuma dhūsara, bhūśhita vāsita vādyanute |
kanakadharāstuti vaibhava vandita, śaṅkaradeśika mānyapade
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, vijayalakśhmī paripālaya mām ‖

जय कमलासनि सद्गतिदायिनि, ज्ञानविकासिनि गानमये
अनुदिनमर्चित कुङ्कुमधूसर-भूषित वासित वाद्यनुते ।
कनकधरास्तुति वैभव वन्दित, शङ्कर देशिक मान्य पदे
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विजयलक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम्।।


Dhanalakshmi (Money Lakshmi) gives all material happiness and prosperity to the devotee. Dhana Lakshmi is the provider of gold, money etc. When this goddess is pleased, she gives money, wealth and even spiritual wealth to the devotee. Goddess Dhanalakshmi holds Shankha (conch shells), chakras, bows and arrows and amulets or amritakumbha in her hands.

Dhanalakshmi Stotram:

dhimidhimi dhindhimi dhindhimi-dindhimi, dundhubhi nāda supūrṇamaye
ghumaghuma ghuṅghuma ghuṅghuma ghuṅghuma, śaṅkha nināda suvādyanute |
veda pūrāṇetihāsa supūjita, vaidika mārga pradarśayute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, dhanalakśhmi rūpeṇā pālaya mām ‖

धिमिधिमि धिंधिमि धिंधिमि धिंधिमि, दुन्दुभि नाद सुपूर्णमये
घुमघुम घुंघुम घुंघुम घुंघुम, शङ्खनिनाद सुवाद्यनुते ।
वेदपुराणेतिहास सुपूजित, वैदिकमार्ग प्रदर्शयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, धनलक्ष्मि रूपेण पालय माम्।।


Vidyalakshmi (Knowledge Lakshmi) is the giver of wealth in the form of knowledge of art and science.
She has a resemblance to the Hindu goddess Saraswati, the goddess of arts, crafts and knowledge and the consort of Lord Vishnu. She holds a book, a peacock feather as a pen and Abhaya and Varada Mudra.

Vidyalakshmi Stotram:

praṇata sureśvari bhārati bhārgavi, śokavināśini ratnamaye
maṇimaya bhūśhita karṇavibhūśhaṇa, śānti samāvṛta hāsyamukhe |
navanidhi dāyini kalimalahāriṇi, kāmita phalaprada hastayute
jaya jayahe madhusūdana kāmini, vidyālakśhmī sadā pālaya mām ‖

प्रणत सुरेश्वरि भारति भार्गवि, शोकविनाशिनि रत्नमये
मणिमयभूषित कर्णविभूषण, शान्तिसमावृत हास्यमुखे ।
नवनिधिदायिनि कलिमलहारिणि, कामित फलप्रद हस्तयुते
जयजय हे मधुसूदन कामिनि, विद्यालक्ष्मि सदा पालय माम्।।

Additional Forms of Goddess Lakshmi

Some Ashtalakshmi lists also include the following additional forms of goddess Lakshmi:
Saubhagyalakshmi: Saubhagyalakshmi is the giver of good fortune.
Rajyalakshmi:Rajyalakshmi is the goddess who blesses the ruler and basically stays in the palace.
Varalakshmi:Varalakshmi is the goddess who gives beautiful blessings.
Aishwaryalakshmi: Aishwaryalakshmi gives prosperity to the devotee.

By Krishna Das


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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