Goddess Bhairavi-The Fifth Manifestation of Dasa Mahavidyas

Goddess Bhairavi-The Fifth Manifestation of Dasa Mahavidyas

Goddess Bhairavi, a fierce aspect akin to Kali among the Dasa Mahavidyas, embodies potent speech against negativity. Residing in the base chakra, Mooladhara, she purifies seekers pre-journey. Radiant like countless suns, she’s triumph of knowledge over ignorance, as Fire, Lightning, and Sun. Like fire dispels darkness, Bhairavi brings enlightenment, guiding those seeking transformation.

Origin of Goddess Bhairavi

Bhairavi represents the highest form of expression, often referred to as ‘Para Vak’ or the supreme word. This essence is even more subtle and serves as the source from which Goddess Tara emerges. Imagine Tara transforming into Bhairavi—the radiant word evolves into the ultimate light and intense energy. As the consort of Bhairava, the fierce incarnation of Lord Shiva, Bhairavi embodies the name ‘Rudrani,’ linking her to Rudra. She’s also known as ‘Shubhamkari,’ ‘Baala,’ and ‘Tripurabhairavi.’ This intricate interplay of divine energies underscores how Bhairavi, in her multifaceted manifestations, encapsulates the profound connection between expression, energy, and the transformative power of the divine.

Iconography of Goddess Bhairavi

Goddess Bhairavi

Bhairavi, the goddess of immense power, is depicted in a remarkable form. She holds sacred items like a book and a rosary, using gestures that banish fear and grant blessings. Her radiant skin glows, complementing her attire of rich red silk and a garland made of severed heads. With three watchful eyes and a crescent moon adorning her forehead, she wears a crown adorned with precious stones. In her hands, she wields a trident, a small drum, arrows, and a bow. Seated upon a throne fashioned from a corpse, Bhairavi’s presence embodies strength and protection, while also representing the cycle of life and death.

Legend of Goddess Bhairavi

In the realm of legends, the approach of Goddess Bhairavi onto the battlefield carried a certain dread. Her formidable appearance alone was enough to weaken and send shivers through the hearts of demons, rendering them feeble. In the version of Durga Saptashati, she takes on the name Chandi and demonstrates her might by vanquishing the formidable demons Shumbha and Nishumbha. Not stopping at that, she confronts Chanda and Munda, the Asura chieftains, defeating them and consuming their blood. In recognition of her fearsome power, Goddess Parvati blesses her with the title ‘Chamundeshwari’.

Bhairavi wears many faces, symbolizing both Goddess Parvati and Goddess Durga. In moments of fury, she is often depicted seated astride a faithful donkey, her mouth stained with the blood of the defeated demons. Her attire comprises a tiger skin and skeletal adornments, underlining her connection to the cycle of life and death.

As she stands strong, she presents the Abhaya Mudra, a gesture of protection, and the Varada Mudra, a gesture of granting boons. Her hands also hold formidable weapons like the trident, axe, and thunderbolt, signifying her readiness to safeguard and empower. Indeed, Goddess Bhairavi embodies strength, fierceness, and the unwavering determination to overcome darkness.

Worshipping of Goddess Bhairavi

Goddess Bhairavi, known as ‘Tapas,’ becomes the focus of reverence for seekers of knowledge. Through her worship, one can gain mastery over their senses and emotions, allowing for inner control. Her divine speech and spiritual fire possess the incredible ability to clear away hindrances and obstacles that lie in one’s path. The practice of worshipping Bhairavi brings forth substantial benefits. By reciting the Bhairavi Mantra in the presence of her image, one can dispel negative influences and usher in a wave of positive and wholesome energies. This sacred ritual holds the potential to transform one’s surroundings and invoke a sense of protection and well-being.

Bhairavi Mantras

1. Bhairavi Mool Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥

2. Tryakshari Bhairavi Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ह्स्त्रैं ह्स्क्ल्रीं ह्स्त्रौंः॥

Hstraim Hsklreem Hstraumh॥

3. Ashtakshari Tripura Bhairavi Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

हसैं हसकरीं हसैं॥

Hasaim Hasakarim Hasaim॥

4. Shmashan Bhairavi Mantra

श्मशान भैरवि नररुधिरास्थि – वसाभक्षिणि सिद्धिं मे देहि
मम मनोरथान् पूरय हुं फट् स्वाहा॥

Shmashana Bhairavi Nararudhirasthi – Vasabhakshini Siddhim Me Dehi
Mama Manorathan Puraya Hum Phat Svaha॥

5. Bhairavi Gayatri Mantra

ॐ त्रिपुरायै विद्महे महाभैरव्यै धीमहि तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Tripurayai Vidmahe Mahabhairavyai Dhimahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat॥

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