Jaimini: An Ancient Indian Scholar

Jaimini: An Ancient Indian Scholar

Jaimini, an ancient Indian scholar, is credited with founding the Mimamsa school of Hindu philosophy. Traditionally considered a disciple of Vyasa, he is associated with texts like the Mimamsa Sutras and the Jaimini Sutras.

Life and Timeline

Estimated to have lived between the 4th to 2nd century BCE, Jaimini’s influence spans a broad period, with some scholars placing him between 250 BCE and 50 CE.

Philosophical Views

Jaimini’s school is non-theistic, emphasizing rituals as essential to dharma. He delved into the older Vedic rituals, presenting a counter-movement to the Self-knowledge speculations of Vedanta philosophy.

Guru-Disciple Relationship

Jaimini’s guru was Badarayana, the founder of the Vedanta school. They engaged in a dynamic discourse, with Badarayana focusing on knowledge and Jaimini on rituals. This interaction influenced various schools of Indian philosophy.

Contributions and Influences

Jaimini’s significant work is the Purva Mimamsa Sutras, a foundational text for the Purva-Mimamsa school. This treatise, dated around the 4th century BCE, contains approximately 3,000 sutras and focuses on the exegesis of the Vedas, emphasizing ritual practice and religious duty.

Commentaries and Reviews

Scholars like Shabara, Kumarila, and Prabhakara provided insightful reviews and commentaries on Jaimini’s texts, showcasing the impact of his work on the broader philosophical discourse.


Apart from the Mimamsa Sutras, Jaimini also contributed to a version of the Mahabharata. Unfortunately, only specific portions, like the Ashvamedhika Parva and the Shasramukhacaritam, are available today.

Other Mentions

Jaimini’s association with the Samaveda is notable, as Rishi Vyasa transmitted this Veda to him. Additionally, the Markandeya Purana opens with a dialogue between Jaimini and Markandeya, highlighting his diverse engagements in ancient Indian literature.

In summary, Jaimini’s multifaceted contributions to philosophy, ritual studies, and textual analysis have left a lasting impact on the rich tapestry of ancient Indian thought.

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