Categories: Hindu Mythology

Chitrangada: The Warrior Princess of Manipura

Chitrangada, from the ancient tale Mahabharata, was a brave princess from Manipura and the sole successor of King Chitravahana. She became one of Arjuna‘s four wives and together they had a son named Babhruvahana.

Early Life and Training

In the ancient kingdom of Manipura, ruled by King Chitravahana, the lineage faced a unique challenge: each generation had only one heir. Chitravahana’s daughter, Chitrangada, was not raised in the traditional manner of a princess sheltered from the rigors of life. Instead, she was groomed from a young age to be a formidable warrior and leader. Under her father’s guidance, she immersed herself in the art of warfare, mastering various combat techniques and strategies. Despite societal norms dictating otherwise, Chitrangada proved herself to be as skilled—if not more so—than any male counterpart. Her dedication to her people and her land was unwavering, and she understood that her role extended beyond mere royalty; she was a protector, a guardian, and a beacon of hope for Manipura.

Marriage with Arjuna

The circumstances surrounding Chitrangada’s union with Arjuna were as unconventional as her upbringing. While the Mahabharata provides scant details on their meeting, Rabindranath Tagore’s play Chitra offers a vivid depiction of their love story. Arjuna, during his exile, stumbled upon Manipura and encountered Chitrangada, who, clad in male attire, captivated him with her bravery and honesty. King Chitravahana, recognizing Arjuna’s worthiness, presented him with a condition: any child born to Chitrangada would inherit the kingdom. Arjuna, moved by her strength and integrity, readily accepted. Their marriage symbolized not just a union of two individuals, but a merging of two worlds—one of tradition and another of progress.

Challenges and Resilience

As Arjuna fulfilled his duties elsewhere, Chitrangada faced numerous trials and tribulations. Raising Babhruvahana as a single mother in a patriarchal society was no easy feat, yet she embraced the challenge with fortitude and grace. Despite the absence of her husband, Chitrangada remained steadfast in her commitment to her son and her kingdom. She navigated the complexities of ruling with wisdom and compassion, earning the respect and admiration of her subjects. Her resilience in the face of adversity served as an inspiration to all who knew her, cementing her legacy as a true warrior both on and off the battlefield.

Reunion and Tragedy

Years later, fate would once again bring Arjuna and Chitrangada together, albeit under tragic circumstances. During the Ashwamedha yajna, Arjuna encountered Babhruvahana in battle, unaware of their familial ties. What ensued was a harrowing clash of swords and arrows, culminating in Arjuna’s grievous injury. As Chitrangada rushed to her husband’s side, the truth of their relationship came to light, shattering the illusion of enmity. With the help of Ulupi and a mythical gem, Arjuna was revived, but the scars of the encounter would linger forever. The reunion, though brief, served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of familial bonds.

Legacy and Sacrifice

Chitrangada’s journey took a bittersweet turn as she chose to relinquish her royal status in service to Gandhari, Arjuna’s aunt. Her decision to forego personal glory in favor of selfless devotion underscored her unwavering commitment to duty and honor. Alongside Arjuna and his wives, she bore witness to the end of an era as the Pandavas retired, passing the mantle to their grandson Parikshit. Despite the trials and tribulations she endured, Chitrangada’s legacy endured as a testament to the indomitable spirit of womanhood and the power of sacrifice.


In the annals of history, Chitrangada’s name would be immortalized as more than just a footnote in the epic saga of the Mahabharata. She was a warrior princess, a devoted mother, and a selfless servant—a beacon of hope in a world plagued by chaos and strife. As she returned to her kingdom of Manipura, her footsteps echoed the resilience and strength of character that defined her existence. Though her story may fade with time, her legacy would endure, a timeless reminder of the triumph of the human spirit against all odds.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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