Categories: Hindu Mythology

Garuda:The Divine Eagle of Hindu and Buddhist Mythology

Garuda holds a significant place in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, revered as a divine eagle embodying strength, courage, and divine protection. Found in various mythological texts and cultural practices, Garuda’s symbolism transcends religious boundaries, making him a revered figure across Asia.


Garuda in Hinduism

Mythological Depiction: Within Hindu mythology, Garuda is depicted as a colossal eagle, often portrayed as the mount of Lord Vishnu. His majestic form is described with a golden body, radiant wings, and an eagle’s beak, symbolizing power and grace.
Symbolism: Garuda’s symbolism extends beyond his physical attributes, representing the eternal struggle against evil forces, particularly the serpent race known as Nagas. As Vishnu’s mount, Garuda embodies unwavering devotion and loyalty.

Birth and Enmity with Nagas

Birth: According to Hindu epics like the Mahabharata, Garuda’s birth is shrouded in divine brilliance, symbolizing his cosmic significance. Born to sage Kashyapa and Vinata, Garuda emerges as a beacon of light, heralding his destined role in mythology.
Enmity with Nagas: Garuda’s enmity with Nagas originates from a familial dispute between his mother, Vinata, and her sister, Kadru. His quest to obtain the elixir of immortality to free his mother exemplifies his valor and sense of duty.

Legends and Leelas of Garuda

Rescue of Gajendra: Garuda’s heroic exploits include aiding Lord Vishnu in rescuing Gajendra, the elephant king, from the clutches of a deadly crocodile. This tale showcases Garuda’s compassion and willingness to intervene in mortal affairs.
Samudra Manthan: Garuda’s pivotal role in the samudra manthan (churning of the cosmic ocean) highlights his strategic importance in mythological events. By facilitating the retrieval of the elixir of immortality, Garuda exemplifies selflessness and divine purpose.
Associations with Krishna: Garuda’s association with Lord Krishna underscores his unwavering loyalty and devotion to the divine. Through various battles and confrontations, Garuda remains a steadfast companion, embodying the virtues of servitude and righteousness.

Garuda in Buddhism

Mythological Depiction: In Buddhist lore, Garudas are depicted as formidable avian creatures, possessing intelligence and supernatural abilities. Their role as protectors of sacred realms reflects their revered status within Buddhist cosmology.
Symbolism: Garudas symbolize protection against malevolent forces, particularly Nagas, and serve as guardians of celestial realms. Their presence embodies the principles of courage, righteousness, and divine intervention.

Garuda Kings and Importance in Buddhism

Garuda Kings: Buddhist mythology speaks of four Garuda kings, each accompanied by legions of attendants, entrusted with safeguarding sacred domains. Their roles as guardians and mediators underscore their pivotal importance in maintaining cosmic order.
Importance: Garudas play a crucial role in Buddhist cosmology, serving as protectors of Mount Sumeru and celestial realms. Their association with honesty, courage, and righteousness makes them revered figures in Buddhist traditions.

Garuda as a Cultural Symbol

India: Garuda’s cultural significance in India extends to military symbolism, cultural heritage, and religious iconography. Revered as a symbol of strength and devotion, Garuda’s imagery pervades Indian society, from armed forces emblems to temple architecture.
Indonesia: As the national emblem, Garuda symbolizes Indonesia’s unity and greatness, with widespread usage in various aspects of Indonesian culture, from national flags to university emblems.
Thailand: Garuda’s symbolism in Thailand encompasses royal authority, protection, and spiritual significance. Revered as the national symbol, Garuda’s imagery adorns Buddhist temples and royal insignia, embodying the virtues of loyalty and guardianship.
Mongolia: In Mongolian culture, Garuda, known as Khangarid, symbolizes courage, honesty, and guardianship. Revered as a mountain spirit and symbol of national pride, Khangarid embodies the indomitable spirit of the Mongolian people.


Garuda’s pervasive presence in Hindu and Buddhist traditions highlights his enduring significance as a symbol of strength, courage, and divine protection. Across Asia, Garuda remains a revered figure, embodying timeless virtues and serving as a cultural beacon for generations to come.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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