Parama Ekadashi, also known as 'Purushottam Kamala Ekadashi,' is observed on the 11th day of the Krishna Paksha during the…
Nirjala Ekadashi, also known as Pandava Ekadashi, Bhima Ekadashi and Bhimaseni Ekadashi, holds a special place in the Hindu calendar.…
Aranya Shashthi, also known as Aranya Sashti, is a festival that takes place on the sixth day of the waxing…
In Hindu culture, Apara Ekadashi is a significant day of the year, observed by fasting and offering prayers to Lord…
Yogini Ekadashi occurs in the Jyeshtha or Ashadha (June-July) Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon. This Ekadashi comes after…
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