Categories: Hindu God and Goddess

Dasa Mahavidya – Ten Aspects Of Adishakti

Analyzing the word ‘Mahavidya’, we find ‘Maha‘ meaning great, ‘Vidya‘ meaning form or manifestation. ‘Dasa Mahavidya’ means special form or manifestation. Just as the ten Avatars of Vishnu are the manifestation of Vishnu at different stages of creation, so are each of the Dasa Mahavidya (ten forms of Adishakti), the female forms of those Avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu.

Dasa Mahavidyas

Story Behind Dasa Mahavidya

There is a myth behind these ten great forms of Adishakti. Prajapati Daksha did not like the marriage of Shiva and Sati. He arranged a Yajna to insult Shiva. Although all the gods were invited there, Shiva and Sati did not get invitation. Meanwhile, hearing about the arrangement of that Yajna, Sati took the vow to go to her father’s house. But Shiva was also relentless. He would not allow Sati to go to her father’s house without invitation, because he knew that if Sati had gone there, Daksharaja would have humiliated her. When Sati saw that Shiva was not willing to let her go at all, she became enraged. She manifested ten forms of Adishakti or Mother Goddess. Being frightened Shiva tried to escape then. But the ten forms of Goddess surrounded Shiva, preventing him from escaping. These ten forms are known as the Dasa Mahavidya.

Each Mahavidya has her own unique name, appearance, mantras, and powers. Let us know the ten forms of Dasa Mahavidya:


Kali is the first among the Mahavidyas, because she came before Kaal (time), and before light itself. She is black-skinned and four-armed and she wears a garland of fifty-two skulls, representing the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, and also the mortality of her human children. She holds the sword of enlightenment in one of her hand, and a severed human head representing the ego in another hand.



Kali destroyed demon Raktabija. Raktabija got a boon that if one drop of his blood fell on the ground, another duplicate would be born. Then the Mother Goddess assumed the form of Kali, stretched her tongue, and drank the blood of the Raktabija before it fell to the ground and destroyed the demons. When the goddess started Vijay (victory) dancing, the creation was about to be destroyed. In this situation Shiva laid down on the path of the dancing goddess and she stepped on him by mistake. Realizing this, she stopped dancing. As a result, the creation was saved.


1. Baisa Akshari Shree Dakshina Kali Mantra (22 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं हूँ हूँ ह्रीं ह्रीं दक्षिणे कालिके
क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं हूँ हूँ ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Dakshine Kalike
Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Svaha॥

2. Ekakshari Kali Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)

ॐ क्रीं

Om Kreem

3. Tin Akshari Kali Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रीं॥

Om Kreem Hrum Hreem॥

4. Panchakshari Kali Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रीं हूँ फट्॥

Om Kreem Hrum Hreem Hum Phat॥

5. Shadakshar Kali Mantra (6 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ क्रीं कालिके स्वाहा॥

Om Kreem Kalike Svaha॥

6. Saptakshari Kali Mantra (7 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ हूँ ह्रीं हूँ फट् स्वाहा॥

Om Hum Hreem Hum Phat Svaha॥

7. Shree Dakshina Kali Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं
दक्षिणकालिके क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं ह्रीं ह्रीं॥

Om Hreem Hreem Hrum Hrum Kreem Kreem Kreem
Dakshina Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hrum Hrum Hreem Hreem॥

8. Shree Dakshina Kali Mantra

क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रीं दक्षिणेकालिके क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Kreem Hrum Hreem Dakshine Kalike Kreem Hrum Hreem Svaha॥

9. Shree Dakshina Kali Mantra

ॐ ह्रुं ह्रुं क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं
दक्षिणकालिके ह्रुं ह्रुं क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Om Hrum Hrum Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem
Dakshina Kalike Hrum Hrum Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Svaha॥

10. Shree Dakshina Kali Mantra

ॐ क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं ह्रीं ह्रीं दक्षिणकालिके स्वाहा॥

Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hrum Hrum Hreem Hreem Dakshina Kalike Svaha॥

11. Bhadrakali Mantra

ॐ ह्रौं काली महाकाली किलिकिले फट् स्वाहा॥

Om Hraum Kali Mahakali Kilikile Phat Svaha॥

12. Shree Shmashan Kali Mantra

ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं कालिके क्लीं श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं॥

Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Kalike Kleem Shreem Hreem Aim॥


Goddess Tara is the second Mahavidya. The name comes from the Sanskrit root ‘Tar‘, meaning protection. In other Indian languages, the name translates as star. Many theologists think Tara’s name is derived from ‘Tara‘, which means to cross. One of her epithets is Samsaratarini (she who takes across the ocean of worldly existence). Similar in appearance to Kali, Tara is the maternal, peaceful aspect of the goddess, who helps her devotees cross the turbulent seas of deceit to the shore of enlightenment. She is sometimes depicted as breastfeeding Shiva. Goddess Tara is worshipped in both Hinduism and Buddhism as the goddess of compassion and protection.



According to the Puranas, the gods and demons churned the cosmic ocean to obtain the nectar of immortality. The churning released a number of things from the ocean, including a deadly poison that could destroy all three worlds (heaven, earth and netherworld). Lord Shiva drank the poison to save the creation, but fell unconscious from its effects. Then Goddess Tara appeared, put him in her lap, and suckled him. The healing power of her milk brought Shiva back to life.


1. Ekakshari Tara Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)

ॐ त्रीं

Om Treem

2. Tin Akshari Tara Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ हूं स्त्रीं हूं॥

Om Hum Streem Hum॥

3. Chaturakshar Tara Mantra (4 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं स्त्रीं हूं॥

Om Hreem Hreem Streem Hum॥

4. Panchakshari Tara Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्रीं त्रीं ह्रुं फट्॥

Om Hreem Treem Hum Phat॥

5. Shadakshar Tara Mantra (6 Syllables Mantra)

ऐं ॐ ह्रीं क्रीं हूं फट्॥

Aim Om Hreem Kreem Hum Phat॥

6. Saptakshar Tara Mantra (7 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ त्रीं ह्रीं, ह्रूं, ह्रीं, हुं फट्॥

Om Treem Hreem, Hrum, Hreem, Hum Phat॥

7. Hansa Tara Mantra

ऐं स्त्रीं ॐ ऐं ह्रीं फट् स्वाहा॥

Aim Streem Om Aim Hreem Phat Svaha॥

Tripura Sundari

The third Mahavidya is Tripura Sundari. ‘Tri‘ means three, ‘Pura‘ refers to city or citadel or world, and ‘Sundari‘ means beautiful. So her name literally means she who is beautiful in all three worlds. She is most often depicted as seated in the lap of Lord Siva, while goddess Sri Lakshmi Devi and Sarswati Devi are there on her right and left holding ‘vinjamarams’ ( fans) in their hands to serve Her The legs of the throne are formed by the various forms of Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). This shows her supremacy to all the other gods.

Tripura Sundari


Bhandasura was a demon created from the ashes of Kamadeva. He performed severe austerities to please Lord Shiva, for which he was rewarded with the boons that whomsoever dares to fight Bhandasura would forfeit half of his strength and masculinity to him. As a result, no god, man or demon challenged to attack him.

Fearing him and his vicious boons, the Devas (gods) went into hiding where they worshipped the Goddess Adishakti. When Bhandasura came to know of the gods’ trick against him, he attacked them at the spot where they were performing a Yajna to conciliate the goddess. In fear, the Devas entered the fire pit and immolated themselves. When a relieved Bhandasura had gone, the Mother Goddess took the form of Goddess Tripura Sundari and resurrected all the gods of the multiverse and restored their duties.


1. Goddess Shodashi Mantra

ऐं सौः क्लीं॥

Aim Sauh Kleem॥

2. Panchakshar Shodashi Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

ऐं क्लीं सौः सौः क्लीं॥

Aim Kleem Sauh Sauh Kleem॥

3. Shadakshar Shodashi Mantra (6 Syllables Mantra)

ऐं क्लीं सौः सौः क्लीं ऐं॥

Aim Kleem Sauh Sauh Kleem Aim॥

4. Ashtadashakshar Shodashi Mantra (18 Syllables Mantra)

ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं त्रिपुरामदने सर्वशुभं साधय स्वाहा॥

Hreem Shreem Kleem Tripuramadane Sarvashubham Sadhaya Svaha॥

5. Vinshatyakshar Shodashi Mantra (20 Syllables Mantra)

ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं परापरे त्रिपुरे सर्वमीप्सितं साधय स्वाहा॥

Hreem Shreem Kleem Parapare Tripure Sarvamipsitam Sadhaya Svaha॥

6. Tripura Gayatri Mantra

क्लीं त्रिपुरादेवि विद्महे कामेश्वरि धीमहि। तन्नः क्लिन्ने प्रचोदयात्॥

Kleem Tripuradevi Vidmahe Kameshvari Dhimahi। Tannah Klinne Prachodayat॥


The fourth Mahividya is named Bhuvaneshvari. ‘Bhuvana‘ means universe and ‘Isvari‘ means sovereign. So ‘Bhuvaneshvari’ means the ruler of the entire universe. The universe begins and ends in her. Just as Kali represents Time, so Bhuvaneshvari represents Space. These two Mahavidyas thus represent the two main aspects of the Mother Goddess: the infinite, and the eternal. Bhuvaneshvari also represents maya, or illusion, which veils ultimate reality if the creation.



Once, the Trideva, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, were contending over who among them was most important and powerful within the universe. The Goddess Bhuvaneshvari intervened and enlightened them that she was the creator of the universe, additionally of themselves. At that point she gave them her shakti, or vitality, in the form of the Goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati to assist them create, maintain and preserve the world – until its extreme devastation, when the cycle will begin over again.


1. Ekakshari Bhuvaneshvari Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)



2. Tryakshari Bhuvaneshvari Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

आं ह्रीं क्रों॥

Aam Hreem Krom॥

3. Ashtakshar Bhuvaneshvari Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

आं श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं क्लीं ह्रीं श्रीं क्रों॥

Aam Shreem Hreem Kleem Kleem Hreem Shreem Krom॥

4. Eka Beejakshar Yukta Mantra

ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

5. Dvya Beejakshar Yukta Mantra

श्रीं ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Shreem Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

6. Tryaya Beejakshar Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं क्लीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Kleem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

7. Chaturakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

8. Panchakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ऐं क्लीं ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Aim Kleem Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

9. Shadakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौंः भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Saumh Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

10. Saptakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौंः ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Saumh Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

11. Ashtakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौंः क्लीं ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Saumh Kleem Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

12. Navakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं ऐं क्लीं सौंः ऐं सौंः भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Aim Kleem Saumh Aim Saumh Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥

13. Dashakshar Beej Yukta Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं ऐं सौंः क्रीं हूं ह्रीं ह्रीं भुवनेश्वर्यै नमः॥

Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Saumh Kreem Hum Hreem Hreem Bhuvaneshvaryai Namah॥


The fifth Mahavidya, Bhairavi is the fierce manifestation of the goddess, quite close to goddess Kali herself. Her consort is Bhairava, the equally fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. One of Bhairavi’s forms is Chandi, a ferocious goddess who helped Kali to destroy the demon Raktabija. Chandi is also famous for destroying the demons Chanda and Munda. Goddess Bhairavi is often depicted seated on her loyal donkey, her mouth stained with demon blood, another hand holding a blood-stained sword.



According to mythology, Goddess Bhairavi’s presence the battle field, and her horrible appearance made the demons powerless and very weak, and the most of the demons started fleeing as soon as they saw her. In Durga Saptashathi version of slaying powerful demons Shumbha and Nishumbha, Goddess Bhairavi is seen primarily as the goddess Kali. Goddess Parvati gave her a boon of being called Chamundeshwari when she killed and drunk the blood of Chanda and Munda.


1. Bhairavi Mool Mantra

ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥

Om Hreem Bhairavi Kalaum Hreem Svaha॥

2. Tryakshari Bhairavi Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ह्स्त्रैं ह्स्क्ल्रीं ह्स्त्रौंः॥

Hstraim Hsklreem Hstraumh॥

3. Ashtakshari Tripura Bhairavi Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

हसैं हसकरीं हसैं॥

Hasaim Hasakarim Hasaim॥

4. Shmashan Bhairavi Mantra

श्मशान भैरवि नररुधिरास्थि – वसाभक्षिणि सिद्धिं मे देहि
मम मनोरथान् पूरय हुं फट् स्वाहा॥

Shmashana Bhairavi Nararudhirasthi – Vasabhakshini Siddhim Me Dehi
Mama Manorathan Puraya Hum Phat Svaha॥

5. Bhairavi Gayatri Mantra

ॐ त्रिपुरायै विद्महे महाभैरव्यै धीमहि तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Tripurayai Vidmahe Mahabhairavyai Dhimahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat॥


Chhinnamasta is one the most frightening forms of the goddess. The goddess is usually depicted holding her severed head in one hand, a scimitar in the other. Three jets of blood spurt out of her neck, one feeding her own severed head, and the others beings drunk by her two attendants, Jaya and Vijaya. She is often depicted nude and red-skinned, standing or sitting on a copulating couple.



one day while bathing in Mandakini river, Parvati (the consort of Shiva, and the reincarnation of Sati) became excited and turned black. At the same time, her two attendants Jaya and Vijaya (also known as Dakini and Varnini) became hungry and begged her for food. The generous goddess cut off her own head to feed them her blood. Apparently, she rejoined her head after they were satisfied.


1. Ekakshar Chhinnamasta Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)



2. Tryakshar Chhinnamasta Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ हूं ॐ॥

Om Hum Om॥

3. Chaturakshar Chhinnamasta Mantra (4 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ हूं स्वाहा॥

Om Hum Svaha॥

4. Panchakshar Chhinnamasta Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ हूं स्वाहा ॐ॥

Om Hum Svaha Om॥

5. Shadakshar Chhinnamasta Mantra (6 Syllables Mantra)

ह्रीं क्लीं श्रीं ऐं हूं फट्॥

Hreem Kleem Shreem Aim Hum Phat॥

6. Chhinnamasta Gayatri Mantra

ॐ वैरोचन्ये विद्महे छिन्नमस्तायै धीमहि तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Vairochanye Vidmahe Chhinnamastayai Dhimahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat॥


The literal meaning of the name of goddess Dhumavati means the smoky one. It is deeply interesting that this aspect of the Dasa Mahavidya is depicted as a crone – an ugly old woman. A widow, in fact, associated with all things inauspicious. She is often depicted riding a crow or a horseless chariot in a cremation ground.



One day Sati was very hungry, and asked her husband Shiva for food. When he refused , Sati consumed him to satisfy her hunger. After a little while, Shiva requested her to disgorge him. She complied, but Shiva cursed her to be a widow. She appeared with smoke covering her entire body and the smoke from her body took the form of Dhumavati.


1. Saptakshar Dhumavati Mantra (7 Syllables Mantra)

धूं धूमावती स्वाहा॥

Dhum Dhumavati Svaha॥

2. Ashtakshar Dhumavati Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

धूं धूं धूमावती स्वाहा॥

Dhum Dhum Dhumavati Svaha॥

3. Dashakshar Dhumavati Mantra (10 Syllables Mantra)

धूं धूं धूं धूमावती स्वाहा॥

Dhum Dhum Dhum Dhumavati Svaha॥

4. Chaturdashakshar Dhumavati Mantra (14 Syllables Mantra)

धूं धूं धुर धुर धूमावती क्रों फट् स्वाहा॥

Dhum Dhum Dhura Dhura Dhumavati Krom Phat Svaha॥

5. Panchadashakshar Dhumavati Mantra (15 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ धूं धूमावती देवदत्त धावति स्वाहा॥

Om Dhum Dhumavati Devadatta Dhavati Svaha॥

6. Dhumavati Gayatri Mantra

ॐ धूमावत्यै विद्महे संहारिण्यै धीमहि तन्नो धूमा प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Dhumavatyai Vidmahe Samharinyai Dhimahi Tanno Dhuma Prachodayat॥


Bagalamukhi is is eighth Mahavidya and a goddess of great occult power, who smashes her devotees’ misconceptions with her cudgel, who paralyses and silences her enemies. She is often depicted beating a demon with a cudgel in her right hand, while she pulls out his tongue with her left hand, denoting the ability to stun or paralyze an enemy into silence.



Once a demon called Madan gained Vak-siddhi (the perfection of speech), by which whatever he said came true. He utilized it to great destructive effect, killing numerous individuals. The gods asked for goddess Bagalamukhi’s help. Then the goddess grabbed the demon’s tongue and thus neutralized the supernatural power of Madan.


1. Ekakshari Bagalamukhi Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)



2. Tryakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्लीं ॐ॥

Om Hleem Om॥

3. Chaturakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (4 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ आं ह्लीं क्रों॥

Om Aam Hleem Krom॥

4. Panchakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्रीं स्त्रीं हुं फट्॥

Om Hreem Streem Hum Phat॥

5. Ashtakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ आं ह्लीं क्रों हुं फट् स्वाहा॥

Om Aam Hleem Krom Hum Phat Svaha॥

6. Navakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (9 Syllables Mantra)

ह्रीं क्लीं ह्रीं बगलामुखि ठः॥

Hreem Kleem Hreem Bagalamukhi Thah॥

7. Ekadashakshar Bagalamukhi Mantra (11 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्लीं क्लीं ह्लीं बगलामुखि ठः ठः॥

Om Hleem Kleem Hleem Bagalamukhi Thah Thah॥

8. Bagalagayatri Mantra

ह्लीं बगलामुखी विद्महे दुष्टस्तंभनी धीमहि तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात्॥

Hleem Bagalamukhi Vidmahe Dushtastambhani Dhimahi Tanno Devi Prachodayat॥


Matangi is the ninth of the ten Mahavidya Goddesses. She is believed to be the Tantric form of Saraswati, the goddess of music and learning. Like Goddess Saraswati, Matangi governs speech, music, knowledge, arts and crafts. He is also known as Uchchhishta-Chandalini or Uchchhishta-Matangini.



Once, Lord Vishnu and his consort goddess Lakshmi visited Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati (Shiva’s consort and a reincarnation of Sati) and gave them a feast of fine foods. While eating, the deities dropped some food on the ground, from which arose a beautiful maiden, an appearance of Goddess Saraswati. The four deities granted her their left-overs as prasadam (food made sacred by having been first consumed by a deity). This could be translated as the Uchchhishta of the deity, in spite of the fact that due to its negative essence the word Uchchhishta is never expressly utilized in association to prasadam. Shiva proclaimed that those who recite her mantra and worship her will have their material desires satisfied and gain control over enemies, pronouncing her the provider of boons. From that day, the maiden was known as Uchchhishta-Matangini.


1. Ashtakshar Matangi Mantra (8 Syllables Mantra)

कामिनी रञ्जिनी स्वाहा॥

Kamini Ranjini Svaha॥

2. Dashakshar Matangi Mantra (10 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्रीं क्लीं हूं मातंग्यै फट् स्वाहा॥

Om Hreem Kleem Hum Matangyai Phat Svaha॥

3. Matangi Gayatri Mantra

ॐ शुक्रप्रियायै विद्महे श्रीकामेश्वर्यै धीमहि तन्नः श्यामा प्रचोदयात्॥

Om Shukrapriyayai Vidmahe Shrikameshvaryai Dhimahi Tannah Shyama Prachodayat॥


Goddess Kamala is last of the Dasa Mahavidya. She is none other than Lakshmi herself, the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, prosperity, luxury, beauty, fertility and auspiciousness. She is the consort of Lord Vishnu. She is a very important deity in Hinduism and is worshipped along with God Ganesha by many Hindu households. Of course, she is associated with all things auspicious and wonderful: wealth, riches, happiness, beauty, and grace.



Adi Parashakti had created the entire universe but her task yet still remained incomplete even though the universe was complete but it was unfinished due to the absence of prosperity. She wanted to transform herself into Goddess Kamala to manifest all types of wealth and prosperity in the world. The appropriate time for it had come. She took birth as the daughter of sage Bhrigu and manifested prosperity in the world.


1. Ekakshar Kamala Mantra (1 Syllable Mantra)



2. Dvyakshar Samrajya Lakshmi Mantra (2 Syllables Mantra)

स्ह्क्ल्रीं हं॥

Shklreem Ham॥

3. Tryakshar Samrajya Lakshmi Mantra (3 Syllables Mantra)

श्रीं क्लीं श्रीं॥

Shreem Kleem Shreem॥

4. Chaturakshar Kamala Mantra (4 Syllables Mantra)

ऐं श्रीं ह्रीं क्लीं॥

Aim Shreem Hreem Kleem॥

5. Panchakshar Kamala Mantra (5 Syllables Mantra)

श्रीं क्लीं श्रीं नमः॥

Shreem Kleem Shreem Namah॥

6. Navakshar Siddhi Lakshmi Mantra (9 Syllables Mantra)

ॐ ह्रीं हूं हां ग्रें क्षों क्रों नमः॥

Om Hreem Hum Haam Grem Kshom Krom Namah॥

7. Dashakshari Kamala Mantra (10 Syllables Mantra)

नमः कमलवासिन्यै स्वाहा॥

Namah Kamalavasinyai Svaha॥

By Krishna Das


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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