Padma Purana:An Encyclopedic Journey into Hindu Mythology

The Padma Purana is a significant scripture in the realm of Hinduism. It belongs to the category of eighteen Major Puranas, which are revered texts containing a vast array of knowledge, myths, and religious teachings. The name “Padma Purana” is derived from the lotus (Padma), which symbolizes the divine origin of the creator Lord Brahma, who is said to have appeared from a lotus. This ancient text is a treasure trove of information and wisdom, and it comprises extensive sections dedicated to various deities, including Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti.

Manuscript Variations
The Padma Purana exists in several versions, but two of them are particularly significant. One version is associated with the eastern regions of India, while the other is traced back to the western parts of the country. These two versions differ significantly in content, and their historical significance adds to the complexity of understanding the Padma Purana.
Eastern Version: This version of the Padma Purana, prevalent in the eastern regions of India, consists of five Khandas or parts, along with an appendix. However, it has not been widely published or translated, making it less accessible to scholars and enthusiasts.
Western Version: The western version of the Padma Purana is the more well-known and studied version. It comprises six Khandas and has been the focus of research since the colonial British India era. This version is adopted and analyzed more extensively, making it a valuable resource for those interested in the Purana.
Historical Context
The exact date of composition of the Padma Purana remains uncertain, with estimates ranging from the 4th to the 15th century CE. Some parts of the text may have originated between the 8th and 10th centuries CE. The Padma Purana’s complex history and multiple recensions make it a challenging subject of study for historians and scholars.
Contents and Structure
The Padma Purana is a vast text that covers an extensive range of topics. Its structure is divided into Khandas or parts, and the content of these sections varies between the eastern and western versions. Let’s delve into the contents of the Padma Purana with a focus on the western version:
Shrishti Khanda: The first part of the western Padma Purana introduces the sacred lake Pushkar, located near Ajmer in Rajasthan, as a significant Brahma pilgrimage site. It also includes chapters with a strong Vishnu-oriented presentation.
Bhumikhanda: The second part, Bhumikhanda, is a compilation of legends interwoven into a pilgrimage guide. These legends provide insights into the cultural and religious history of India.
Svargakhanda: The third part presents cosmological concepts, the geography of India, details about its rivers, and descriptions of various places of importance in the country. It offers a rich tapestry of geographical and cosmological knowledge.
Brahmakhanda: The fourth part of the Padma Purana glorifies Lord Vishnu and discusses seasons, festivals, rituals, and the significance of Radha and Tulasi. This section is a testament to the deep devotion and reverence for Vishnu in Hinduism.
Patalakhanda: The fifth part of the text introduces Lord Rama as an incarnation of Vishnu and Sita as an incarnation of Lakshmi. The story of Rama and Sita in this Purana differs from the version found in Valmiki Ramayana. It also includes chapters where Lord Shiva and Parvati discuss the character of Lord Krishna, along with a collection of chapters that glorify Lord Shiva.
Uttarakhanda: The final part, Uttarakhanda, contains legends and mythology associated with Indian festivals. It includes eighteen chapters known as Gita Mahatmya, which are followed by chapters on Bhagavata Mahatmya and Shiva Gita. This section also discusses topics such as the soul and liberation, quotes from the Upanishads, yoga, and the Advaita Vedanta doctrines. Some versions of the Padma Purana end with Kriya-Yogasara, a discussion on ethics and the importance of hospitality to guests.
Jainism and the Padma Purana
Interestingly, there is a Jainism text with the same name, the Padma Purana, which presents a Jain version of the Ramayana. This shows how diverse and multifaceted the religious and mythological landscape of India is, with various traditions interpreting and retelling stories in their unique ways.