Categories: Hinduism and Science

27 Nakshatras: Guiding Lights in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrology, the zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras or constellations, each occupying 13.20 degrees of the celestial sphere. These Nakshatras, referenced in ancient Vedic scriptures, are integral to understanding celestial influences on human life. The lunar month, comprised of approximately 27 days, aligns with the number of Nakshatras, as the Moon spends roughly one day in each constellation during its orbit around the Earth.

Meaning and Significance

According to Hindu mythology, the Nakshatras are believed to be the daughters of King Daksha, with Chandra Deva, the Moon being married to all 27 of them. The Nakshatra where the Moon is positioned at the time of an individual’s birth is termed the Janma Nakshatra or the birth star. Each Nakshatra is further divided into four quarters known as Padas, each spanning 3.20 degrees, known as Navamsa. This meticulous subdivision enables astrologers to make finer predictions regarding various aspects of life based on planetary placements within these segments.

Classification of Nakshatras

The Nakshatras are classified into seven distinct categories based on their inherent qualities and characteristics:

1. Sthira or Fixed Nakshatras

● Examples: Rohini, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada
● These Nakshatras are deemed favorable for endeavors requiring stability and long-term commitment, such as initiating construction projects, planting trees, or acquiring property.

2. Chara or Movable Nakshatras

● Examples: Punarvasu, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha
● Movable Nakshatras are conducive to activities involving mobility and change, including travel, purchasing vehicles, gardening, or embarking on journeys.

3. Ugra or Fierce Nakshatras

● Examples: Bharani, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha, Purva Bhadrapada
● These Nakshatras are associated with potent energies and are deemed favorable for tasks requiring force or confrontation, such as demolition, combat, or assertive actions.

4. Kshipra or Swift Nakshatras

● Examples: Ashwini, Pushya, Hasta
● Swift Nakshatras are conducive to swift actions and transactions, including trade, financial dealings, admissions, or short-distance travels.

5. Mridu or Tender Nakshatras

● Examples: Mrigashira, Chitra, Anuradha, Revati
● Nakshatras characterized by tenderness and gentleness are favorable for fostering relationships, enjoying pleasures, pursuing artistic endeavors, or indulging in recreational activities.

6.Tikshna or Sharp Nakshatras

● Examples: Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Mula
● Sharp Nakshatras are associated with intense energies and are deemed favorable for decisive actions or activities involving transformation, such as legal proceedings, exorcism, or deep introspection.

7. Misra or Mixed Nakshatras

● Examples: Krittika, Vishakha
● Mixed Nakshatras possess a blend of qualities and are conducive to diverse activities such as worship, ceremonies, purchasing goods, or undertaking intellectual pursuits.

List of 27 Nakshatras

The 27 Nakshatras, each possessing unique attributes and influences, play a crucial role in shaping astrological interpretations and predictions. They are:

●Purva Phalguni
●Uttara Phalguni
●Purva Ashadha
●Uttara Ashadha
●Purva Bhadra
●Uttara Bhadra

Understanding the characteristics and influences of each Nakshatra aids astrologers in providing comprehensive insights into an individual’s life journey and destiny.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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