Categories: Hindu Sage and Saint

Atri : A Venerable Figure in Hindu Tradition

Atri, a venerable figure in Hindu tradition, is renowned as a Vedic sage whose profound hymns to deities like Agni and Indra have left an indelible mark on Hindu scripture. As one of the esteemed Saptarishi, or seven great sages, his name resonates prominently in the Rigveda, particularly in the fifth Mandala, which bears his name. Within this Mandala, eighty-seven hymns are attributed to Atri and his lineage, symbolizing his significant contribution to the rich tapestry of Vedic literature.

Beyond his foundational role in the Rigveda, Atri’s influence permeates Hindu mythology and epics. References to his wisdom and deeds can be found in the Puranas, where his stature as a revered sage is upheld. Furthermore, in epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Atri’s character serves as a guiding light, exemplifying the virtues of knowledge, devotion, and righteousness. Atri’s enduring legacy continues to inspire seekers of spiritual truth, embodying the timeless wisdom of ancient Hindu tradition.

Legend and Mythology

In ancient Vedic times, Sage Atri stood out as one of the esteemed Saptarishis, alongside Marichi, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, and Vashistha. Legend has it that Atri was wedded to Anasuya Devi, renowned as one of the seven virtuous wives. Their union bore three illustrious sons: Dattatreya, Durvasa, and Chandra.

A divine narrative recounts Atri’s origin from the tongue, positioning him as the final among the Saptarishis. When instructed by celestial voices to undertake rigorous penance (tapas), Atri wholeheartedly complied. His unwavering devotion and austere practices earned the attention of the Hindu trinity—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—who granted him boons. Atri humbly requested that all three deities be born as his offspring.

Another rendition of the myth narrates how Anasuya’s purity and virtue saved the three gods, leading to their rebirth as her children. Brahma reincarnated as Chandra, Vishnu manifested as Dattatreya, and Shiva, in part, was born as Durvasa.

References to Atri abound in various scriptures, most notably the Rigveda. He is intertwined with different epochs, notably appearing during the Treta Yuga, as depicted in the Ramayana. Atri and Anasuya are portrayed advising Lord Rama and Sita during this period.

Furthermore, they are credited with bringing the sacred river Ganga to earth, a tale recounted in the Shiva Purana. In Valmiki’s Ramayana, Atri is depicted as residing in the southern region, a detail corroborated by Puranic traditions.

A Seer of Rig Veda

The fifth book, or Mandala, of the Rigveda is known for its connection to the sage Atri. Atri was not only a seer but also had many sons and disciples who contributed to the compilation of the Rigveda and other Vedic texts. Mandala 5 contains 87 hymns, primarily dedicated to Agni and Indra, along with other deities like the Visvedevas (all the gods), the Maruts, Mitra, Varuna, and the Asvins. Additionally, there are two hymns each for Ushas (the dawn) and Savitr. Most of the hymns in this book are attributed to the Atreyas, who were part of the Atri clan.

The Atri hymns in the Rigveda are notable for their musical structure and their inclusion of spiritual concepts presented as riddles. They showcase the flexibility of the Sanskrit language through lexical, syntactic, morphological, and verbal play. One particularly challenging hymn, 5.44, is considered by scholars like Geldner to be the most difficult riddle hymn in the entire Rigveda. These verses are also admired for their beautiful portrayal of natural phenomena, such as depicting dawn as a joyful woman in hymn 5.80.

Although the fifth Mandala is primarily associated with Atri and his followers, Atri is also credited with verses in other Mandalas, like 10.137.4.

Sage Atri in Ramayana

In the Ramayana, Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana went to visit Atri and Anasuya in their forest home. Atri’s hut was nestled in Chitrakuta, close to a serene lake where divine melodies echoed. The water shimmered with colorful flowers and lush green leaves. The lake was bustling with life, with cranes, fisherbirds, turtles, swans, frogs, and even pink geese gracefully moving about.

Sage Atri in Puranas

In the Hindu Puranas, there are several stories about sages named Atri. These stories vary a lot and don’t always match up. It’s hard to tell if they’re talking about the same Atri or different ones with the same name.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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