Categories: Hindu Mythology

Dushyanta and Shakuntala: A Tale of Love and Destiny

The story of King Dushyanta and Shakuntala is a captivating tale of love and destiny in Hindu mythology. Dushyanta, a Chandravamsha ruler, is central to ancient texts like the Mahabharata and Kalidasa’s Abhijnanashakuntalam. Shakuntala, his wife and mother of Emperor Bharata, features prominently in the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata. Their love story unfolds as Shakuntala, born to a sage and celestial nymph, marries Dushyanta in a Gandharva ceremony. She later gives birth to Bharata, who becomes a legendary emperor, naming the Indian subcontinent.

Dushyanta and Shakuntala

The tale of Dushyanta and Shakuntala, famously adapted in Kalidasa’s Abhijnanasakuntalam, explores love, longing, and reunion. Shakuntala’s grace and resilience make her an enduring cultural symbol. Their story, more than a romance, reflects perseverance, identity, and destiny’s power, resonating deeply with its portrayal of complex human relationships.

Two Different Versions

There are two different versions of Shakuntala’s story. The first is found in the Mahabharata, a major Hindu epic traditionally attributed to the sage Vyasa, where Shakuntala is the daughter of sage Vishwamitra and nymph Menaka, raised by sage Kanva. She marries King Dushyanta, who forgets her due to a curse by sage Durvasa, but eventually remembers her after finding a lost ring, leading to their reunion and the birth of their son, Bharata. The second version, adapted by the 4th–5th century poet Kalidasa in his play Abhijnanashakuntalam, romanticizes the tale, focusing on the emotional and poetic aspects of Shakuntala’s life, the curse, and her eventual reunion with Dushyanta. Both versions depict her love, perseverance, and ultimate happiness.

The Birth of Shakuntala

Once upon a time, Vishwamitra, a determined sage, embarked on intense meditation to achieve the revered status of a Brahmarshi. His rigorous penance worried Indra, the king of the gods, who feared Vishwamitra might aim for his throne. To disrupt his focus, Indra sent Menaka, a captivating apsara, to seduce him. Menaka’s beauty and charm proved irresistible, and Vishwamitra’s meditation was broken as he succumbed to his desires. They lived together for several years, during which they had a daughter. Eventually, Vishwamitra realized that Indra had tricked him, prompting him to leave Menaka and resume his spiritual journey.


Menaka, understanding that her task was complete, decided to return to heaven. Before leaving, she placed their infant daughter near the hermitage of Rishi Kanva, a kind and wise sage. Rishi Kanva discovered the baby and raised her as his own, naming her Shakuntala. Under his care, Shakuntala grew into a woman of exceptional beauty and virtue, becoming the central figure in one of India’s greatest epics.

The Story of Shakuntala and Pramati

Rishi Kanva found a beautiful baby girl in his hermitage, which was located deep in the wilderness. The baby was surrounded by birds called “Shakunta” in Sanskrit (शकुन्त). Moved by this sight, he decided to name the baby girl Shakuntala (शकुन्तला), which means “protected by Shakunta birds.”

In the Adi Parva of the Mahabharata, Kanva explains the naming of Shakuntala with these words:

“She was surrounded in the solitude of the wilderness by sakuntas,
therefore, hath she been named by me Shakuntala (Shakunta-protected).”

Additionally, Kanva found a baby boy, whom he named Pramati. As Pramati grew up, he followed the path of learning and wisdom, eventually becoming a respected acharya (teacher or scholar) himself.

The Marriage of Shakuntala and King Dushyanta

One day, King Dushyanta was traveling through a dense forest with his army. During his journey, he pursued a male deer that had been wounded by one of his arrows. While tracking the deer, he stumbled upon a serene hermitage where he met the beautiful Shakuntala.

Shakuntala, who was living in the hermitage, immediately caught Dushyanta’s eye. The two were instantly drawn to each other and soon fell deeply in love. Their mutual affection led them to marry according to the Gandharva marriage system, which is based on mutual consent and without formal rituals.

Before Dushyanta left to return to his kingdom, he wanted to assure Shakuntala of his commitment. He gave her his personal royal ring as a token of his promise. This ring was meant to symbolize his pledge to bring Shakuntala to his palace and make her his queen. With this promise, Dushyanta departed, leaving Shakuntala with the hope and anticipation of joining him in his royal life.

The Curse of Durvasa

Sage Durvasa

Shakuntala, deeply in love with her husband, King Dushyanta, often found herself lost in thoughts of him. Her constant daydreaming led her to become distracted, even to the point of neglecting to properly greet the revered sage Durvasa when he visited her ashrama. Offended by this oversight, Durvasa’s infamous temper flared, and he cursed Shakuntala, declaring that the person she was thinking of would forget her completely.

As Durvasa departed in anger, one of Shakuntala’s friends quickly intervened, explaining that Shakuntala’s distraction was due to her deep love for her husband, not a lack of respect. Realizing his mistake, Durvasa modified the curse, adding that Dushyanta would remember Shakuntala if she showed him a personal token he had given her. This adjustment offered a glimmer of hope that their love might be rekindled despite the curse.

Shakuntala’s Journey to Palace

As time passed, Shakuntala grew restless, wondering why her husband, Dushyanta, hadn’t returned for her. Determined to seek answers, she embarked on a journey to the capital city with her foster father and a few companions. Along the way, they encountered a river they needed to cross using a canoe ferry. Entranced by the river’s deep blue waters, Shakuntala ran her fingers through them, inadvertently losing her ring, the symbol of her marriage to Dushyanta, without even realizing it.

Arriving at Dushyanta’s court, Shakuntala was deeply hurt and bewildered when her husband failed to recognize her or remember their relationship. Despite her attempts to remind him of their marriage, without the ring, Dushyanta remained oblivious. Humiliated and heartbroken, Shakuntala retreated to the forests, taking her son Bharata with her. They settled in a remote part of the wilderness, where Shakuntala spent her days in solitude. Meanwhile, Bharata, growing up surrounded by wild animals, became a fearless and robust youth, even daring to play with tigers and lions by counting their teeth as a pastime.

Reunion of Dushyanta and Shakuntala

In the meantime, a fisherman made a startling discovery while cleaning a fish he caught—a royal ring nestled within its belly. Recognizing the emblem, he promptly brought it to the palace. As soon as Dushyanta laid eyes on the ring, memories of his beloved bride flooded back to him. Without hesitation, he embarked on a quest to find her. Upon reaching her father’s hermitage, he learned that Shakuntala had departed. Undeterred, he delved deeper into the forest in search of his wife.

Amidst the dense foliage, Dushyanta stumbled upon an unexpected sight: a fearless young boy prying open the jaws of a lion, casually inspecting its teeth. Impressed by the boy’s bravery and strength, Dushyanta inquired about his identity. To his astonishment, the boy revealed himself as Bharata, the son of King Dushyanta. Guided by Bharata, Dushyanta was led to Shakuntala, and thus, the long-lost family was joyously reunited amidst the tranquility of the forest.

Alternate Tale

In a twist of fate, Dushyanta’s failure to recognize Shakuntala led to divine intervention. Shakuntala and her son Bharata were taken to Heaven by her mother Menaka. Meanwhile, Dushyanta, proving his valor in battle alongside the gods, earned the right to reunite with his family.

Guided by a prophetic vision, Dushyanta reclaimed his identity as Bharata’s father by reattaching his fallen kavacha. With the truth revealed, the family was joyfully reunited in Heaven before returning to earth. They ruled together for many prosperous years, laying the groundwork for the era of the Pandavas yet to come.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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