Categories: Hindu Scripture

Skanda Purana:A Journey through Hindu Mythology and Sacred Sites

The Skanda Purana, the largest Mahapurana among the eighteen Hindu religious texts, holds immense significance in Hindu traditions and rituals related to the war-god Skanda (Lord Kartikeya). This ancient scripture contains over 81,000 verses and serves as a historical record and influential source for devotees. The Skanda Purana is attributed to the sage Vyasa and is known for its encyclopedic coverage of various subjects, including cosmogony, mythology, genealogy, dharma, festivals, temples, and geography. This essay explores the structure, contents, and narratives found within the Skanda Purana, shedding light on its significance and impact.

The Living Text with Varied Versions

The Skanda Purana has evolved over the centuries and exists in multiple versions. Although the earliest known text likely originated in the 8th century CE, subsequent edits and additions have led to the creation of numerous variants. These versions encompass cosmology, mythology, theology, virtues, and evil, along with profound insights into the nature and qualities of Lord Shiva, the Absolute and the source of true knowledge. The Skanda Purana also acts as a comprehensive travel guide, providing detailed Tirtha Mahatmya (pilgrimage tourist guides) that highlight pilgrimage centers in India, Nepal, and Tibet.

Structure of the Skanda Purana

The Skanda Purana is structurally organized into different sections or khandas. One grouping categorizes the text into seven khandas, each named after a major pilgrimage region or site. These khandas consist of chapters known as Mahatmyas, which serve as travel guides for pilgrimage tourists. Another grouping divides the text into six samhitas, including the Sanatkumara Samhita, Suta Samhita, Samkari Samhita, Vaishnavi Samhita, Brahmi Samhita, and Saura Samhita. These sections discuss cosmogony, theology, philosophical questions, and the nature of good and evil.

Significance of the Khandas

Mahesvara Khanda: Comprising three sections, this khanda focuses on pilgrimage regions such as Kedarnath, Mahisagara-samgama-tirtha (Cambay), and Tiruvannamalai. It delves into the significance and legends associated with these sacred sites.

Visnu Khanda: This khanda contains nine sections, each highlighting pilgrimage regions like Tirupati, Puri, Badrinath, Mathura, and others. Each section emphasizes the sacredness of these locations and provides narratives and legends associated with them.

Brahma Khanda: Divided into three (or four) sections, this khanda explores pilgrimage regions such as Rama Setu (Tamil Nadu), Dharmaranya, and Brahmottara. It uncovers the mythological stories and sacredness of these sites.

Kasi Khanda: This khanda, divided into two parts, focuses on the pilgrimage region of Varanasi and the Vindya Mountains. It offers insights into the history, significance, and rituals associated with Varanasi and the adjacent areas.

Avantya Khanda: Comprising the Ujjain Tirtha region, this khanda highlights the importance of Ujjain and presents the legends and mythological narratives linked to the region.

Nagara Khanda: This khanda delves into the Hatakesvara-ksetra (Vadnagar) region and provides valuable information on pilgrimage sites and their associated legends.

Prabhasa Khanda: Encompassing regions such as Saurashtra, Girnar, Aravalli Range, and Dwarka, the Prabhasa Khanda offers narratives, legends, and the sacredness of these pilgrimage sites.

Narratives and Themes

The Skanda Purana weaves together a rich tapestry of mythological narratives and themes. It explores legends such as Daksha’s sacrifice, Shiva’s sorrow, the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan), the emergence of Amrita (the nectar of immortality), the story of the demon Tarakasura, the birth of Goddess Parvati, her pursuit of Lord Shiva, and their divine union through marriage. These stories capture the essence of devotion, love, and the cosmic interplay of gods and goddesses.

Influence and Significance

The Skanda Purana holds immense religious and cultural significance in Hindu traditions. It has been a guiding force for devotees, shaping their beliefs, rituals, and spiritual practices. The encyclopedic nature of the text, with its travel guides and descriptions of pilgrimage sites, has not only served as a source of inspiration but also played a vital role in promoting tourism and the preservation of sacred heritage.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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