Categories: Hindu Scripture

Navagraha Stotram Lyrics and Meaning in English

The Navagraha Stotram is a special prayer in Hinduism that talks about the Nine Planets and how they can affect our lives. People believe that these planets can bring good and not-so-good times. This prayer, said to be written by Sage Veda Vyasa, is like a tool to ask for help in making things better when planets are causing trouble. By saying this prayer, people hope to find calmness and happiness. Let’s learn more about what makes this chant important and how it might make tough times easier.


Navagraha Stotram Lyrics

Navagraha Dhyanam

aadityaaya cha somaaya mangalaaya budhaaya cha;
guru shukra shanibhyashcha raahave ketave namah.


Aadityaaya: To Aditya, the Sun God (Surya).
Cha: And.
Somaaya: To Soma, the Moon God (Chandra).
Mangalaaya: To Mangala, the planet Mars.
Budhaaya: To Budha, the planet Mercury.
Guru: Jupiter.
Shukra: Venus.
Shanibhyashcha: To Shani, the planet Saturn.
Raahave: To Rahu, the North Node of the Moon.
Ketave: To Ketu, the South Node of the Moon.
Namah: Salutations


I bow to the Sun (Aaditya), the Moon (Soma), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu, and Ketu.

Navagraha Prayer

Lord Surya (Aditya or Sun)

japaakusuma sankaasham kaashyapeyam mahaadyutim;
tamoriyam sarva paapaghnam pranatosmi divaakaram.


Japaakusuma: Hibiscus flower
Sankaasham: Resplendent
Kaashyapeyam: Descendant of Kashyapa
Mahaadyutim: Great radiance
Tamoriyam: Coppery-hued
Sarva paapaghnam: Dispeller of all sins
Pranatosmi: I bow down
Divaakaram: Maker of day


I salute the Sun who resembles a Hibiscus flower, who is the son of Kaashyapa, who is of great radiance, and who destroys all sins.

Lord Chandra (Moon)

dathishagna tushaaraabham ksheeraarnava samudbhavam;
namaami shashinam somam shambhor-makuta bhooshanam.


dathishagna – Lord of Gifts (referring to the Moon)
tushaaraabham – Radiance like Snow
ksheeraarnava – Ocean of Milk
samudbhavam – Born of
namaami – I bow to
shashinam – Moon
somam – Nectar (referring to the Moon)
shambhor-makuta – Adornment of Lord Shiva
bhooshanam – Ornament


I bow to the Moon, who shines like a cluster of ice, arisen from the ocean of milk, the ornament on Lord Shiva’s head.

Lord Kuja (Mangal or Mars)

dharanee garbha sambhootam vidyutkaanti samaprabham;
kumaaram shakti hastam tam mangalam pranamaamyaham.


dharanee – Earth
garbha sambhootam – Born of the womb
vidyutkaanti – Radiance of lightning
samaprabham – Equal in brilliance
kumaaram – Youthful one
shakti hastam – Holding a weapon (referring to Lord Skanda)
tam – Him
mangalam – Auspiciousness
pranamaamyaham – I bow down


I bow down to Mangala (Mars), who was born from the womb of Earth, possesses the radiance of lightning, is youthful, holds a weapon, and is auspicious.

Lord Budha (Mercury)

priyangu kalikaashyaamam roopenaa pratimam budham;
soumyam satva gunopetam tam bhdham pranamaamyaham.


priyangu – A type of herb (also known as Indian kino tree)
kalikaashyaamam – Dark like the kalika flowers
roopenaa – In form of
pratimam – Image or idol
budham – Mercury (referring to the planet)
soumyam – Gentle or benign
satva gunopetam – Endowed with qualities of purity
tam – Him
bhdham – Mercury
pranamaamyaham – I bow down


I bow down to Budha (Mercury), who resembles the beloved priyangu herb, has a dark complexion, possesses an appearance similar to an idol, is gentle, and endowed with qualities of purity.

Lord Guru (Brihaspati or Jupiter)

devanaam cha rusheenaam cha gurum kaanchana sannibham;
buddhimantam trilokesham tam namaami bruhaspatim.


devanaam – Among the gods
rusheenaam – Among the sages
gurum – Teacher or preceptor
kaanchana sannibham – Resembling gold
buddhimantam – Intelligent or wise
trilokesham – Lord of the three worlds (referring to Jupiter)
tam – Him
namaami – I bow to
bruhaspatim – Another name for Jupiter


I bow down to Brihaspati (Jupiter), who is the teacher of gods and sages, shines like gold, possesses wisdom, and is the lord of the three worlds.

Lord Shukra (Venus)

himakunda mrunaalaabham daityaanam paramam gurum;
sarvashaastra pravaktaaram bhaargavam pranamaamyaham.


dathishagna – Lord of Gifts (referring to the Moon)
tushaaraabham – Radiance like Snow
ksheeraarnava – Ocean of Milk
samudbhavam – Born of
namaami – I bow to
shashinam – Moon
somam – Nectar (referring to the Moon)
shambhor-makuta – Adornment of Lord Shiva
bhooshanam – Ornament


I bow down to Bhargava (Venus), who resembles the color of a snow-white gourd, is the supreme teacher of the demons, and is the proponent of all scriptures.

Lord Shani (Saturn)

neelaanjana samaabhaasam raviputram yamaagrajam;
dhaaayaa maartaanda sambhootam tam namaami shanaishcharam.


neelaanjana samaabhaasam – Resembling blue ink
raviputram – Son of the Sun (referring to Saturn)
yamaagrajam – Elder brother of Yama (referring to Saturn)
dhaaayaa – Consort of Dhaaya (referring to Saturn)
maartaanda sambhootam – Born of the Sun (referring to Saturn)
tam – Him
namaami – I bow to
shanaishcharam – Another name for Saturn


I bow down to Shani (Saturn), who shines like blue ink, is the son of the Sun, the elder brother of Yama, and born from the womb of Dhaaya.

Lord Raahu

arthakayam mahaaveeram chandraaditya vimarthanam;
simhikaa garbha sambhootam tam raahum pranamaamyaham.


arthakayam – One who causes confusion
mahaaveeram – Mighty hero
chandraaditya vimarthanam – Confronter of the Moon and the Sun (referring to an eclipse)
simhikaa garbha sambhootam – Born of Simhika’s womb (referring to Rahu, the North Node of the Moon)
tam – Him
raahum – Another name for Rahu
pranamaamyaham – I bow down


I bow down to Rahu, who causes confusion, is a great hero, confronts the Moon and the Sun, and was born from the womb of Simhika.

Lord Kethu

falasa pushpa sankaasham taarakaagrahamastakam;
roudram roudraatmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamaamyaham.


falasa pushpa sankaasham – Resembling the color of a ripe fruit or flower
taarakaagrahamastakam – Head (or chief) of the stars (referring to Ketu, the South Node of the Moon)
roudram – Fierce
roudraatmakam – Having a fierce nature
ghoram – Terrifying
tam – Him
ketum – Another name for Ketu
pranamaamyaham – I bow down


I bow down to Ketu, who has the appearance of a blue lotus flower, whose head is like that of a star, who is fierce and terrifying in nature.


iti vyaasa mukhodgeetam yah pathetsu samaahitah;
divaa vaa yadi vaa raatrou vighna shaantirbhavishyati.
nara naaree nrupaanaam cha bhave ddusvapnanaashanam;
ishvaryamatulam teshaamaarogyam pushti varthanam.
graha nakshatrajaah peedaa staskaraagni samudbhavaah;
taassarvaah prashamam yaanti vyaaso broote nasamshayah.


iti – Thus
vyaasa mukhodgeetam – The song from the mouth of Vyasa (referring to the Bhagavad Gita)
yah – Whoever
pathetsu – Recites
samaahitah – With concentration
divaa – During the day
vaa – Or
raatrou – At night
vighna – Obstacles
shaantir – Peace
bhavishyati – Will happen
nara – Man
naaree – Woman
nrupaanaam – Kings
cha – And
bhave – In future
ddusvapnanaashanam – Destroyer of bad dreams
ishvaryamatulam – Incomparable sovereignty
teshaamaarogyam – Health of those
pushti varthanam – Promoter of nourishment
graha nakshatrajaah – Planets and stars
peedaa – Sufferings
staskaraagni samudbhavaah – Born from the influence of bad planets and harmful stars
taassarvaah – All of them
prashamam – Calm down
yaanti – Go
vyaaso broote – Vyasa says
nasamshayah – Without a doubt


If a person recites with concentration the song that emanated from the mouth of Vyasa, whether during the day or night, obstacles will be pacified. Men, women, and rulers will be free from bad dreams. They will gain unprecedented sovereignty, health, and nourishment. The sufferings caused by planets and stars will be subdued. All such influences will be calmed. Vyasa assures this without a doubt.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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