Categories: Hindu Scripture

Kunti:Maternal Resilience in the Mahabharata

The Mahabharata, one of the most revered and intricate epics in Hindu mythology, weaves a tapestry of characters, each contributing to the grand narrative in their unique way. Among them, Kunti stands out as a multifaceted character whose life journey is marked by profound experiences and complex decisions. In this article, we delve into the life of Kunti, her birth, marriages, motherhood, challenges, and her significant role in the Mahabharata, all set against the backdrop of ancient India.

Birth of Kunti


Kunti, originally named Pritha, was born to Shurasena, a Yadava ruler. Her life took an unexpected turn when she was adopted by her childless uncle, Kuntibhoja, and renamed Kunti. This early chapter in her life sets the stage for the remarkable journey that would follow.

The Divine Blessing

One of the pivotal moments in Kunti’s life occurred when the sage Durvasa, known for his short temper, visited Kuntibhoja’s palace. Kunti’s unwavering devotion and hospitality impressed the sage, who granted her a divine mantra. This mantra bestowed upon Kunti the power to invoke any god and receive their blessings.

Karna’s Birth and Sacrifice

Kunti’s youthful curiosity led her to use this powerful mantra, resulting in the birth of her first son, Karna, with the sun god Surya.

Kunti placed the infant Karna in a basket and set him adrift on the Ganga

However, Karna’s birth out of wedlock presented a dilemma for Kunti, who was forced to make a heart-wrenching decision – she placed the infant Karna in a basket and set him adrift on the Ganga to save herself from disgrace.

Marriage and Children

Kunti’s life took another significant turn when she chose Pandu, the king of Kuru, as her husband. However, her marital bliss was short-lived when Pandu, on the advice of Bhishma, took Madri as his second wife to secure the vassalage of Madra. Kunti’s resilience shone through as she reconciled with this unconventional situation and treated Madri as her sister.

Pandu’s curse, which prevented him from having children, cast a shadow over their marriage. Kunti’s devotion and the boon from Durvasa came to the rescue as she invoked gods to bear three sons – Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna – who would become central figures in the epic.

Widowhood and Challenges

Tragedy struck when Pandu, forgetting his curse, attempted to embrace Madri and died as a result. Overwhelmed by grief, Madri committed suicide. Kunti, now a widow, was left alone in the forest with her five children. This marked the beginning of a tumultuous period in her life.

Survival and Hiding

Kunti and her children during their time in hiding

Kunti’s strength as a mother and protector of her children was tested during their time in hiding. Duryodhana’s treacherous plan to burn the Pandavas alive in the house of lac forced them to escape through a secret tunnel. Their resilience and resourcefulness allowed them to survive and seek refuge in Ekachakra village.

In Ekachakra, Kunti’s strategic thinking led to Bhima’s encounter with the demon Bakasura, a pivotal event that showcased her intelligence and maternal instincts. She also played a role in Bhima’s marriage to Hidimbi, highlighting her ability to adapt to challenging circumstances.

Polyandrous Marriage and Draupadi

One of the most intriguing aspects of Kunti’s life was the unintentional polyandrous marriage of her sons to Draupadi. Miscommunication during their return from Draupadi’s swayamvara led to the complex marital situation. Kunti’s reaction to this unusual union sheds light on her character and her commitment to her sons.

Role in Hastinapura

Kunti’s return to Hastinapura brought forth a new set of challenges. She played a significant role in the development of Indraprastha, the kingdom given to the Pandavas after the dice game in which they lost their kingdom. Her wisdom and guidance were instrumental in helping her sons establish their new realm.

Reconciliation with Karna

One of the most poignant moments in the Mahabharata was Kunti’s meeting with Karna

Kunti’s meeting with Karna

on the eve of the Kurukshetra War. Desperate to prevent bloodshed and protect her sons, she implored Karna to join the Pandava side. Karna’s refusal marked a moment of heartbreak and unwavering loyalty. However, he made a solemn promise to Kunti that he would spare all her sons except Arjuna.

Later Life and Death

After the cataclysmic Kurukshetra War, Kunti continued to be a pillar of strength for her sons. However, as time passed, she felt her earthly responsibilities were fulfilled. She retreated to a forest near the Himalayas, accompanied by her brothers-in-law Vidura and Dhritarashtra, as well as Dhritarashtra’s wife Gandhari. This marked the final chapter in the life of a woman who had weathered numerous storms with grace and resilience.


Krishna Das is an experienced article writer. He writes about Hinduism in his spare time.

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